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Buddha the African

Buddha the African

Buddha the African "That which is good is never finished." Sukuma, Tanzania ANOTHER MYTH ONE BITES THE DUST... Some early European scholars have attempted to chronicled the truth concerning the African origins of culture, religion and morality and put...

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The Teachings of Ptah Hotep

The Teachings of Ptah Hotep

These are instructions by the Mayor of the City who is also the Vizier. His name is Ptahhotep and he serves under Pharoah Assa who lives for all eternity. The mayor of the City, Vizier Ptahhotep, addressed the Supreme Divinity, the Diety as follows: "God...

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Les Dogons : Cosmologie et Mythes

Les Dogons : Cosmologie et Mythes

Village Dogon Les dogons sont une des populations les plus anciennes d’Afrique noire et certainement l’une des plus mystérieuses. Les dogons sont originaires du Mandé, ils quittèrent cette contrée entre le XIe et le XIIe siècle, c’est le refus de se convertir...

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The Doctors In Ancient Egypt

The doctor in Ancient Egypt J.F. Nunn It is widely believed that the modern concept of medicine commenced with the Hippocratic school in Cos (430-330 B.C.). Medical writings of the Graeco-Roman period were in languages which were never lost to scholars...

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Ancient Egyptians wrote the Holy Bible

Ancient Egyptians wrote the Holy Bible Posted: June 19, 2002 An analysis by Dr. Kwame Nantambu “And ye Shall know the Truth and the Truth Shall Make You Free.” Holy Bible, John 8:32. According to Ghanian writer and researcher Nana Banchie Darkwah, “Black...

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Black People & Their Place in History

5 BLACK PRESIDENTS The Truth About: The Five Black Presidents of The United States Of America Thomas Jefferson Andrew Jackson Abraham Lincoln WHO IS NEXT? Warren Harding Calvin Coolidge Joel A. Rogers and Dr. Auset Bakhufu have both written books documenting...

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Black History Book Packs

Here is some African History and Revolutionnary Books BLACK HISTORY BOOKS PACK 1: includes the following books: African Origins of World Religions Bantu Origins (People & Language) - A.T. Bryant Cheikh Anta Diop - Civilization of Barbarism Cheikh Anta...

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Saartjie Baartman - Vénus Hottentote

Saartjie Baartman - Vénus Hottentote

Saartjie Baartman de son vrai nom Sawtche, surnommée la Vénus Hottentote, serait née aux alentours de 1789 dans l'actuelle Afrique du Sud originaire du peuple Khoïkhoï (Khoïsan) qui sont les plus anciens habitants de la région sud de l'Afrique. Elle meurt...

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